Cover, broadcast, stream, or webcast any global live event or content, in real-time.

Our state-of-the-art Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) solutions enable you to stay connected with your global audience and improve your viewership rate.

Our innovative approach to teleport services is illustrated by being one of the first in India to introduce satellite uplinking services for outdoor media distribution.

Seamless and cost-effective connectivity via satellite uplink and downlink for DSNG and Occasional Use services, plus state-of-the-art cloud-based services.

When you need creative, flexible and reliable outdoor media acquisition services, our rich industry experience delivers every time.

1 +
experience in media broadcasting business


TV Channels

1 bn

10 PB+


Why choose

As a market leader in media broadcasting, we’re highly experienced delivering comprehensive, customised solutions across content acquisition, management and distribution. Equipped with our state-of-the-art technologies and backed by our proven track record, you can rise to any challenge. Streamline your operations. Deliver to any market.

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