Transform your sites from bare shell to state-of-the-art centres

Deep in-house expertise, plus exceptional relationships with leading equipment manufacturers and software/hardware partners, means we’re trusted to design, build and deliver major projects – encompassing studio, PCR, MGR, CAR, voiceover booths, editing suites, playout automation, MAM and NRCS, teleports, DSNGs, outdoor production units and technical training.

Disaster recovery and business continuity

Just a temporary loss of signal can see your audiences switch off. And your revenues take a hit. It’s essential for satellite and terrestrial broadcasters to have data recovery plans in place – and our Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Solutions will keep your content flowing. No matter what.

Reliable and stable mirrored play-out signal


Seamless transition to mirrored playout


A parallel uplink facility in case of an emergency

Premium automation system with built-in features to ensure consistency with the primary playout channel

Maintaining a mirrored playout system at a remote location


High content security

Cost-effective off-site, lower operational expense


A mix of main and backup channels in one site for diverse and resilient disaster recovery

Media projects from design to secure operations

We have a comprehensive backup system to keep your data safe at all times. Our Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Solutions are highly effective and affordable to protect your business from any kind of disaster.


Why choose

As a market leader in media broadcasting, we’re highly experienced delivering comprehensive, customised solutions across content acquisition, management and distribution. Equipped with our state-of-the-art technologies and backed by our proven track record, you can rise to any challenge. Streamline your operations. Deliver to any market.
1 +
experience in media broadcasting business


TV Channels

1 bn

10 PB+

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